The automobile is the second most expensive thing a person buys. If you want to buy a car, there are plentiful choices. You could buy a Toyota, a Ford, a BMW, a Tesla, or many other brands. There are as many cars available as there is the demand to buy them. When there is a plentiful supply that matches the needs of people to purchase it, we have supply / demand equilibrium.

But when it comes to housing, we don’t have supply / demand equilibrium. There is much more demand for housing than the construction industry has been able to create supply. Vandrax Technologies is solving this problem. Our automated construction system can build housing five times faster than legacy construction. This allows us to create more housing than has previously been possible. When there is as much housing available as there is demand for it, the cost of housing comes down, which makes housing more affordable for everyone.

This is the mission of Vandrax Technologies: The Fastest Way Home.